1.   配合教務處「課程大綱與課程進度」上網維護及總務處採購組資本門預算請購時程,敬請課程主負責教師務必於108年8月26日(星期一)前完成上網維護或增修108學年度第1學期T.2.0.02教材資料維護「教材資料維護」

2.   宣導師生尊重智慧財產權並減少學生買書負擔,同時讓有限的經費達到更有效地運用,教材別為教科書將列入優先採購,教授指定參考書專區放置一冊限館內閱覽,流通書庫放置一冊供師生借閱;如有任何問題,請與採編典藏組柏錦玉聯絡(分機:213451)

   Please maintain T.2.0.02 teaching material in KMU Information Service System before August 26th, 2019.

   Course reserves will be preferred to purchase and have two copies in the library, one is in the Course Reserves Area (the second floor of library rear building) and limited to reading in the library, as well as one is in the Monographic Collections can be borrowed.