Journal Verification
The following platforms can be used to select journals for your submission (by topic), or to check the reputation and publication quality of journals.
• Master Journal List HTML ➜
WOS journals on hold (including SCIE, SSCI, AHCI, ESCI, etc.) are updated every month. Should be careful when you find journals labeled as
, as these journals are placed under observation. If the quality of the journal is not improving, it may be removed from the JCR.
• Journal Citation Reports (JCR) HTML ➜
Checking the Impact Factor(IF) and other impact indicators of journals (including SCIE, SSCI, AHCI, ESCI, etc.).
For off-campus use, please sign up for a personal account on campus.
• Scopus Preview HTML ➜
Scopus journals on hold.
• Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) HTML ➜
DOAJ is an OA journal search system maintained by Lund University. All journals in the directory must have a public official website, which describes the editorial team, members' identities, charging standards, and the copyright or open license of the published papers.
• Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) HTML ➜
OASPA is a self-regulatory organization formed by publishers of OA journals to review the academic and publishing ethics of peer publishers. Theoretically, it is an OA publisher with better operational quality and more trustworthy.
• Beall's List HTML ➜
Compiled by Beall, a researcher at the University of Colorado, was closed in 2017 and then re-launched in its final version by a dedicated person who continues to maintain and update it.
(In addition to searching for the title, it is best to search for the publisher to avoid the situation of changing the title.)
• Journal Citation Reports (JCR) Journals Suppressed HTML ➜
WOS Group analyzes annual journal data, and if extreme anomalies in journal citations are found, they will be added to the list of warned journals.
• List of Hindawi Issue Journals HTML ➜
A journal list of that be delisted from WOS and be discontinued by the platform in 2023-2024. (Thanks to the R&D office of KMU).