Interlibrary Borrowing-Returning Service (Southern Library Resource Sharing Service)

Cooperative Libraries

Southern (including Tainan, Kaohsiung, Pingtung) 33 colleges and universities libraries.



(Please select B8KMU and use KMU Library Catalog's account and password 
to login.)

Service Target

Faculty, staff, and students (excluding part-time faculty, assistants, staff of affiliated hospitals, and students of credit and extension education classes).

How to apply

Please use the system to find out which library has the book you need before making a request. You will be notified by e-mail when the book arrives at the library. Please bring your student ID or staff ID card to the Circulation Counter to check out the book.

Borrowing Rules
  1. 每位讀者6冊,借期28天(含書到申請館後保留7天),不得續借或預約
    6 books per reader, 28 days loan period (including 7 days reservation after arrival), no renewal or reservation is allowed.
    • 借書日:申請館收到所借圖書後至系統點收的日期。
      Borrowing date: The date when the borrowed book is received by the applicant library until it is counted by the system.
    • 還書日:申請館收到讀者還書後至系統歸還的日期。
      Return date: The date when the library receives the returned book and the date when it is returned to the system.

  2. 本校讀者領書、還書時間:請於週一至週五8:30~21:45,週六及週日9:30~16:45 。還書日期如遇假日請提前歸還,以免逾期受罰。至圖書館櫃台領取或歸還(請告知櫃台人員為代借代還圖書)。
    Service time: Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 21:45, Saturday and Sunday from 9:30 to 16:45. If the return date falls on a holiday, please return the books in advance to avoid overdue penalties. Please inform the librarian that you are borrowing or returning books on behalf of the Interlibrary Borrowing-Returning Service.
  3. 所借閱之圖書逾期依被申請館之辦法辦理。
    Overdue books will be handled in the same manner as the library to which they were borrowed.
  4. 申請者若有3冊(或以上)到期未取件之情事,該館得停止其使用代借代還服務權利1個月。
    If an applicant has not picked up 3 (or more) books by the due date, the library may suspend his/her right to use the service for 1 month.

If you have any questions, please contact the Reader Service Section (ext. 2133-86; lichwu@kmu.edu.tw).