
KMU students and faculty. (Including colleagues from affiliated organizations.)

Recommendation Guidelines

  1. Please check Library Catalog (paper books, audio-visual materials, paper journals/magazines) or E-Resources System (e-books, e-journals/magazines, databases) to see if the library already have colletions to avoid duplication of resources.
  2. If you are sure the resources are not available in the Library's collection, or if it is old and needs to be updated, then recommend it.

Recommendation Methods

Resource Type Recommendation Methods Notes

Audio-visual materials

Library Catalog→ My Account→ Recommendations

1. Please fill all the fields correctly and completely to speed up purchasing and correctness.
2. Recommended resources will be reviewed and approved by the library before purchase, and the result will be notified by email.
Course Reserves Textbooks 1. For the current semester:T.2.0.02.Maintenance of teaching materials
2. For the next semester/year's: please fill the Course Reserves Textbooks Application Form

1. Please fill the form as soon as possible to meet the deadline announced by the Academic Affairs Office, so that it can be put on the shelves during the school week.
2. Only teachers are allowed to fill the recommendation form.

Journals Please fill theJournal Recommendation Form

1. Please email the filled form to acq@kmu.edu.tw
(Please provide paper copies or scanned electronic copies of forms that need to be stamped.)

2. Recommendations before August each year are recommended for purchase the year after next.
Recommended resources will be reviewed by the Library Committee before purchase, and the results willbe notified by email.

Databases Please fill theDatabase Recommendation Form

 If you have any questions, please contact us.

  • TEL:07-312-1101#2133
  • E-Mail:acq@kmu.edu.tw
  • Office Time:Monday~Friday 8:10~12:00;13:30~17:30