
KMU 70週年校慶系列活動之「圖書館募書活動」

KMU 70th Anniversary Celebration Series Activities-“Library Book Drive”


KMU 70th Anniversary Celebration Series Activities -“Library Book Drive” will be held from October 7th to October 18th. Through the “Library Book Drive”, OLIS will make good use of this donation to promote the concept of sharing and reuse of resources, advocate reading, and build a book-scented society in the Library Week. Welcome to join in the fun.

一、  活動時間(Time)10.7(Mon.)-10.18(Fri.) 週一至週五(Mon. to Fri.) 9:00-16:30

二、  主辦單位(Organizer):圖書資訊處 Office of Library and Information Services(OLIS)

三、  捐書標準Book Donation Criteria


Copyright and authorship compliant, no marking and defacement.


Following situations may be rejected:

(1)  政黨、宗教、社團等各類團體內部刊物、課本講義。

Internal publications and textbook handouts of political parties, religious and social organizations, etc.

(2)  民國109年前出版之電腦圖書、醫學相關領域專業用書、語言類及旅遊類用書。

Computer books, medical books, language books and travel books published before 2020.

四、  捐書方式How to donate

臨櫃贈書,或郵寄至圖書館(高雄市三民區十全一路100高雄醫學大學圖資處蔣小姐收) 若欲詢問相關事宜,請撥採典組分機213353蔣小姐或e-mailacq@kmu.edu.tw

Please drop off the donated books at the library counter or mail them to the library. (No. 100, Shiquan 1st Rd., Sanmin Dist., Kaohsiung City 807378, Taiwan (R.O.C.), KMU OLIS Ms.Chiang)  

If you have any questions about book donation, please contact extension 2133#53, or e-mail acq@kmu.edu.tw.

五、  注意事項Attention

1.  受贈圖書概由本處全權處理,包括轉贈或其他處理方式等。

All donated books shall be handled by the OLIS at its sole discretion, including transfer or other means of handling.

2.  本處保留修改、變更、暫停或終止本活動內容之權利,並以本處網站公告為準。若有其他未盡事宜,悉依本處相關規定或解釋。

OLIS reserves the right to modify, change, suspend or terminate the content of this program as announced on the OLIS 's website. If there are any other outstanding matters, please refer to the relevant regulations or explanations of the OLIS.

3.  為響應環保,僅提供電子感謝函。

To be environmentally friendly, only electronic thank you notes are available.