
一.      全國文獻傳遞服務(NDDS)優惠減免 


二.      圖書互借郵寄代還服務 


服務對象 : 本校教職員工




In order to facilitate the resources sharing between KMU & NSYSU, the following two new Interlibrary loan discount services are now available.

1.National Document Delivery Service (NDDS) waivers

Students and faculty members of KMU can enjoy a full fee waiver for borrowing books and copying documents from NSYSU Library through NDDS, and only need to pay for the mailing fee of the books.

2. Interlibrary book borrowing and mail-return Service

Faculty and students who borrow books from NSYSU Library in person can return the books by themselves or mail-return Service though KMU Library. (KMU Library will subsidize NT$30 for postage, and the borrower will be responsible for the rest of the mailing fee.)

Service recipients: KMU faculty, staff and students.

Promotion period: February 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ms. Wu from the Reader’s Services Division at extension 2133#86, or via email at lichwu@kmu.edu.tw.