為支持本校研究人員投稿OA (Open Access)期刊,以提高文章能見度與個人學術影響力,圖資處彙整並公告出版社提供之APC (Article Processing Charge) 優惠。
In order to support KMU researchers to submit OA (Open Access) journals to increase the article visibility and personal academic, KMU library compiled and announced the APC (Article Processing Charge) offer from the publisher.
期刊名稱 Journal Title |
涵蓋主題 Subject |
適用對象 Applicable Au. |
優惠期限 APC Discount Period |
EES Batteries |
all author (No limitation on first or corresponding author)
APC waived until mid-2027 |
EES Catalysis |
Impactful catalysis advances for energy and environmental science |
APC waived until mid-2025 |
EES Solar |
APC waived until mid-2027 |
Industrial Chemistry & Materials |
Industrial chemistry and material field |
APC waived until 2028 |
RSC Applied Interfaces |
Applied interfacial and surface research |
APC waived until mid-2026 |
RSC Applied Polymers |
Application of polymers, both natural and synthetic |
APC waived until mid-2026 |
RSC Mechanochemistry |
Mechanochemistry |
APC waived until mid-2026 |
RSC Pharmaceutics |
Pharmaceutics, including drug delivery, precision medicine, and enhanced drug targeting |
APC waived until mid-2026 |
RSC Sustainability |
Sustainable chemistry |
APC waived until mid-2025 |
Sustainable Food Technology |
Sustainable approaches to food processing and engineering |
APC waived until mid-2025 |
For more information, please refer to the RSC website.
Journal publishing at RSC (Video)
期刊名稱 Journal Title |
涵蓋主題 Subject |
適用對象 Applicable Au. |
優惠方案 APC Discount |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |
跨領域科學(Multidisciplinary Sciences),涵蓋主題包括Physical Sciences、Social Sciences、Biological Sciences等。 |
KMU Corresponding author |
投稿 Immediate Open Access可享有優惠價US$4,975 (原價為US$5,475); 投稿 Delayed Open Access US$2,575則無優惠。 |

For more information, please refer to the PNAS website.
期刊名稱 Journal Title |
涵蓋主題 Subject |
適用對象 Applicable Au. |
優惠方案 APC Discount |
ACS all Gold OA & Hybrid journals |
Chemistry化學 |
KMU Corresponding author (with KMU email) |
Free APC from 2024~2026
For more information, please refer to ACS Open Access Workflow or ACS website.
期刊名稱 Journal Title |
涵蓋主題 Subject |
適用對象 Applicable Au. |
優惠方案 APC Discount |
MDPI all journals
1.高醫正職教職員生、合約人員(含講師、臨時人員、研究助理)、榮譽教授及訪問學者,只要研究有部分是在高醫進行即可,需掛名高醫的地址。 2.只要論文中有一位作者有高醫身分即可取得優惠,不限於主要作者、通訊作者或上傳稿件者。
1.Any author of the manuscript does research in KMU, including professors, lecturers, students, research assistants, visiting researchers, etc. Authors must include the KMU address in their manuscripts.
2.No limits on first, corresponding, or submitting authors.
10% discount. The discount cannot be combined with other available discounts (e.g., discount vouchers, or society membership discounts).
For more information, please refer to the MDPI website (APC charges list).
期刊名稱 Journal Title |
涵蓋主題 Subject |
適用對象 Applicable Au. |
優惠方案 APC Discount |
Elsevier all journals excluding Cell Press & The Lancet
KMU Corresponding author
2023~2025 享12.5%折扣
12.5% discount from 2023~2025
投稿文章被接收後的流程 (The process after an article is accepted):
(Corresponding authors will receive a email for choosing how to publish.)
2.選擇機構名稱【Kaohsiung Medical University】。
(Select organization name: Kaohsiung Medical University)
3.選擇發表期刊出版選項:【Gold Open Access】or【Subscription】。
(Select the publication option: "Gold Open Access" or "Subscription".)
4.發票寄送資訊: 選擇【Invoice an Individual】。
(Select invoice address: choose "Invoice an Individual".)
More OA publishing system operations, please refer to the Elsevier website or publish guide.
1. Clarivate 所提供 WOS 期刊即時收錄情況查詢Master Journal List (含SCIE、SSCI、AHCI、ESCI等)
2. Scopus 來源出版物,線上查詢/清單下載
3. Engineering Village (EV / EI) source list download
【跟著時代走 - 看大家在討論什麼】
1. Clarivate 科睿唯安部落格 (歡迎加入電子報訂閱)
2. CONCERT 新知分享
3. IFII台灣國際資訊整合聯盟 Library Watch (歡迎加入電子報訂閱)。