
近日因媒體披露臺大決定明年停訂大型學術資料庫ScienceDirect (SDOL)期刊,引發本校多起詢問,圖資處在此說明本校因應作為。本校早先已經加入國內許多大學行列,即透過聯盟團體與出版商Elsevier公司進行2017-2019年的訂購協商,遺憾的是至今未能獲致預期結果,目前國內已有超過10所以上大學因此不再訂購。本處已於105年12月15日本校首長會議報告此事,獲校長、副校長和各學院院長的同意與支持:在未達成我方可接受方案之時,將暫緩辦理ScienceDirect續訂事宜。因此可能自2017年1月起便無法使用ScienceDirect期刊資源(可使用本校歷年購買可永久使用核心期刊約164種),造成若干不便,敬請各位包涵諒解。


  1. 查找網路資源如 Google Scholar
  2. 試查作者所屬機構典藏平台 (請點選)
  3. 直接向作者索取
  4. 透過國際館合服務申請原文(線上申請完全免費)(請點選)
  5. 使用其他替代電子資源(例如:本校訂購ClinicalKey臨床醫學資料庫,提供650種Elsevier電子期刊)




敬祝  時祺

圖書資訊長 張志仲謹啟 2016-12-16


Dear KMU faculty and students,

The Office of Library and Information Services (OLIS) of the university makes an announcement as follows. Due to the failure of recent negotiation between the representative of Taiwan's university libraries and the e-journal database ("ScienceDirect") publisher and vendor, Elsevier, KMU is very likely to suspend the 2017 purchase of the database. This would lead to an inaccessibility of some of Elsevier's e-journals from the beginning of next month (but still have permanent rights to use 164 subscribed journals back issues). The OLIS provide detailed information regarding the recovery measures listed below. Thank you for the cooperation. Please contact us at ext.2133 #70 or 73 (email: erm@kmu.edu.tw) for any queries. 

  1. Retrieve from Internet Resource such as Google Scholar

  2. Try to search the Institutional Repository System (click)

  3. Asked the articles from the original authors

  4. Claim the articles via Rapid Interlibrary Loan (Free)(click)



Director of the OLIS, Prof. Jhy-Jong Chang  2016-12-16